I want to take on a political action. Just not sure how to
get started. I have a map of my district. Shall I make a flier to invite people
to board meetings? I’ll figure out what my job is. Today is foggy outside and
the coffee is making headway into my brain fog. I need something new again. Restless
and no focus yet. I may do something dumb like clean house if I can’t find a
productive distraction.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Day 187
The papers were out by 11 AM. Hollie and I went to see 100
Step Journey and it was great. Feel good movie and beautiful besides great
acting. This morning is the Dem’s Union breakfast. For years, Gene and I went
together. Last year I went alone as he was sick. Now he is gone and I will go
alone in his memory. He was my best friend and mentor. He is still teaching me
about compassion and action.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Day 186
We fed 82 people at the community dinner. It was a mixed
crowd from babies to elders. Everyone enjoyed the food, especially the cake and
ice cream. I served mashed potatoes that went under the shepherd’s pie. The
salad came from fresh produce and was full of tomatoes. I acknowledge that I
can schedule late afternoon activities after so many years when my day was over
early. This morning I will distribute Senior News. Movie with Hollie this
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Day 185
Karen tried to start the day with small talk. OK, I can do
that. Then Donita came and said, Oh, you’re on time today. Out it came, I told
Karen the consequences to my life from her hysteria. I hope I can move on now. Working
with the others to prepare for this evening’s meal at the church was fun. I
enjoyed it and am finally feeling well enough to want a deeper connection with other
people. Ah, progress!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Day 184
It was a good day. The supervisors meeting was interesting. Gitlin
made a scene, as usual. Today is museum duty. I don’t know what to expect from
Karen B. or from me. I want to be cool but I also want her to know what her Chicken-Little
act did to my life. If I feel uncomfortable with her, I may leave. Later is
preparation for tomorrow’s community dinner at church. I’ll take some of Carol’s
wonderful tomatoes to share.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Day 183
I walked on Chris’ labyrinth again yesterday. It is a work
of art. Visited with Carol and received Big Flat tomatoes. I have generous
friends. Today is Board of Supervisors meeting. When I say I go to the
meetings, I hear groans. We hired those people, it’s our job to see what they
are doing. Then Karen Rath will iron out my wrinkles with her magic fingers.
Add good food and a long walk and it’s a great day.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Day 182
It’s my half-year birthday. Let’s see, what have I done with
the time? Improved my health. Can’t stop now with a long way to normal numbers.
My breathing is still short and puffy. Less vertigo. Occasional good energy.
Lots of routine days, lots of walks. A few extra pounds around the middle. A
new hobby – Board of supervisors meetings. Not much writing or creating in my
journal. Stronger tie with church. Thinking of looking for a new volunteer
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Day 181
After church I will move in some direction. Maybe walking,
or shopping, but not another day of inertia. I have to get busy and build on my
progress toward restoring my body. I did see a couple of good old movies and a
Giant’s game. Not enough to engage my mind. No writing. No reading. I need to kick
myself. Still a lingering distaste from the Wednesday incident. No one asked how
it impacted me except Hollie and Chris.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Day 180
Karen is keeping her drama alive. She is the hero. I am the villain.
That’s OK. She needs it. I don’t. The visit with Megan and Butters was fun. The
dog fun takes away time from deep conversation and I did get a poke in about
registering at HSU. She doesn’t understand what’s keeping her from pushing
SEND. Just do it, my dear one, get moving. Farmer’s Market this morning
followed by whatever happens next. Maybe shopping and errands.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Day 179
I worked it all out. It was the unexpected invasion of
privacy and the total feeling of exposure. I had to walk it off and write it
off. All gone now. Megan is at Hollie’s and will be here later with Butters. After
my appointment with Dr. E. we will go to breakfast and visit. I’m looking
forward to time with both of them. May get shopping done and errands, or not.
And a long walk will be good.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Day 178
Yesterday the museum people forgot that I had a dental
appointment and would be late. Karen called Hollie, the sheriff, Chris and Jon and
drove around looking for me, set off a storm of anxiety. Then I walked in. I
was bombarded by the feelings. I was both touched and embarrassed. Later my
psyche felt stirred and shaken. I haven’t sorted out what all that means to me.
I don’t have words yet. My night was broken and restless.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Day 177
Hollie did most of the cleaning yesterday and the little
house looks welcoming. Then we went to lunch and ran into Katie and Trish. They
talked about delivering meals to homebound people and Hollie is thinking about
doing it. She is looking for a new activity. Today I’m going to the dentist for
crown prep. Depending on how long that takes, I may get to the museum for my
duty. My knees hurt from stumbling yesterday. An awkward moment.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Day 176
Yesterday was the best day all month! Lots of errands done,
contacts made, dust bunnies ousted, a good long walk with the dogs to pay bills
and visit along the way. Today the little house will get attention in a last
dusting for Rachel’s arrival. The weeds are already taking over the little yard
and I’m not doing any more. No more wogs or frogs in the pond so I dumped it. I’m
a failure as a frog farmer.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Day 175
Monday, Monday. Hoping for a good week. The dogs go to the
groomer at 8 and the floors will definitely get a sweep while they are away. It’s
damp outside and dark. Today I will institute a revised version of the physical
therapy exercises. If I can get my core stronger, maybe the back problems will
go away. If I can’t get started on my own, I’ll ask for a series with my good friends
at Northwest Physical Therapy.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Day 174
Another anomaly in my yard is the rhody blooming. It is an
early blooming red and supposed to thrill us in February with its bold color.
Well, it’s blooming in mid-August while swirls of dry leaves are also present.
Oh well, there are no good old days. The funeral was packed and meaningful. It
was a great send-off to lovely lady. I didn’t know she was a scrabble addict.
Lots of funny stories that brought everyone laughter and tears.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Day 173
No trip after all. Headaches interfered. Oh well, there’s
another day coming up. Today is farmers’ market and the sad duty of attending a
funeral for Donna. I lost three people last Wednesday. It becomes more frequent
as I grow in birthday candles. It's the natural order of nature and not to be
feared. I watered all the trees and shrubs yesterday. No rain in sight.
Wondering about winter already as leaves are blowing by. No more normal pattern.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Day 172
Probably won’t hear the results of the test until Wednesday
when Tonda works again. As long as the number is over 47, April’s total, I’ll
feel that progress is happening. The gas-pump icon lit up in the car so I must
go Brookings today for the shopping and gas that we planned for last Monday and
didn’t go. It was a low day for me. Today I’m rarin’ to go and fill the list.
The dogs need bones too.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Day 171
Story in. Photo of Bill and Kathy in. Lots of socializing
yesterday. I enjoyed every minute. I like days with parts, active and quiet,
people and alone, mental and not-so-much. Today I get a blood test and I have
high hopes for a number around 60. In spite of the low days, I know I am
getting better. All those beans, greens, and grains must be filling in the
empty places where I am storing new iron and calcium.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Day 170
The heater is turned on again. Too cold. I’m feeling a cold
lurking in my head too. The supervisors meeting was interesting. J/Cooper intersection
was on the agenda. As long as I keep learning something new about how it all
works, I will attend the meetings. My story about LRT is ready to write. I’ll
walk down in this mild drizzle and take a photo of the future home of the
theater company on my way to museum duty.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Day 169
Did more research about LRT and had a long conversation with
Jenny. She didn’t know who the original people were and hopefully Kathy Maffett
will call back. I want to write about who and how the whole thing began. It might
inspire others to work toward groups and projects that they want to have. A few
people can make a big difference when they put their heads and energies together.
Today is board of supervisors meeting. Interesting so far.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Day 168
Monday again. Hollie and I may go to Brookings today. I need
shoes and maybe Freddie’s will have tops and shirts on sale since back to
school is in full swing. I want to talk to Tracy about my back and hear his
diagnosis. I’m afraid it’s something I have to live with. Maybe it’s time to go
to physical therapy and work on core conditioning. Could take a serious look at
my food intake too. I want well-being.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Day 167
Three walks yesterday and a subject for the column. I’ll
write a history of LRT. It is a local theater group and I can use a lot of
familiar names. After watching the weather channel about heat waves, fires, and
hurricanes, fifty and foggy look pretty good.
Saw a frog in the pond. It’s fully formed and tiny enough to fit on my
thumb nail. There seem to be only three pollywogs. It’s a mystery where they
all went.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Day 166
Farmers’ market and my weekly walk to restock the greens
that are a big part of my food intake. Also an expected social spree. I’m glad
so many people I know are also fans of fresh vegetables. Later I’ll find
something fun or, at least productive, to do. There are always household chores
but I’m in the mood for a people activity. May go to the museum and figure out
a historical subject for the September Senior News column.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Day 165
I was sidetracked yesterday afternoon by the appearance of
the sun. I had to sit in its warmth and enjoy the breeze fluttering the prayer
flags. I have named most of the flags by color and say the names as I know
prayer is going up for them. Some are living. Some are not but the prayers have the same
message. My hair is shorter and I don’t look so much like a dandelion that has
gone to seed.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Day 164
My energy seems brighter today. I was a bit droopy
yesterday. And cold. Megan called and we chatted for half an hour. I’m enjoying
her conversations. We are getting to know each other from our weekly calls. It’s
more than just the casual talks when we get together for family times. Today
after senior center duty, I’m planning to go through my closet and make room
for new clothes. It’s time for a purge and replenish. Want more color.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Day 163
Put more red mulch around the new azaleas and the pear
trees. It brightens up the landscape. Not much more I can do in the little
yard. I want another fruit tree in my yard but will wait until next month when
it may finally rain. The fog is down to the ground again and it provides little
moisture for the plants. I hope it is busy at the museum today. I enjoy the
tourists and their travel stories.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Day 162
Yesterday’s walk was in granny-gear. It’s OK. I walked. Then
planted two azaleas. The little yard is about as good as it’s going to get. J
Street journals is always a treat. Carol is a great hostess and we shared
catch-up conversations. I value our group. Today I’m going to Tracy for
traction again. I know I need core conditioning to strengthen my back muscles.
I need a flexible back and it’s stiff. Need a flexible mental attitude too.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Day 161
Today I will get two more azaleas to plant between the pear
trees in the little yard. The work there is almost done. I worked on the
jasmine vines with Chris’ help and it looks neater. Green stuff gets out of
control so fast. I just get all the weeds out and it’s time to start over.
Yesterday after church I watched the Giants win a game and then TMC old movies for
a couple of hours. Good life.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Day 160
I did get out early. Orchids watered, floors swept,
groceries and errands done, last eight paper sites distributed, and home by
9:30! Rest of the day, quiet time. Had fun visits with Hollie and Chris. I have
a good life. Last week’s busy activities show that I am improving a lot. The thrill
of having a plan and being able to DO it is incredible. The best is yet to come
as my body catches up with my mind.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Day 159
It was a very good day. Lots of exercise and contact with
people. I enjoyed the fair booth and am definitely ramping up my political
interest. Ran into several friends that I rarely see and that makes it
worthwhile. Today lots of errands and shopping are looming. I’ll get out early
and then spend the rest of the day in the yard. The little yard is almost free
of weeds and I have cleared the space for the azaleas.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Dy 158
Senior News will be on the porch in an hour and I’ll be out
distributing soon after. Hope to get most of them done this morning. At 11 I
will be at the Dems fair booth for a couple of hours. It’s senior day at the
fair so I expect to see a lot of familiar faces. The yard work is progressing
nicely due to systematic clearing. I want two or three more azaleas and maybe
another fruit tree.
Senior News Column
Senior News Column
We know that our brains need good nutrition and
exercise but did you know that one of the most dangerous conditions for our
brains is loneliness. Being alone, socially and mentally, and physically
unstimulated leads to lower synapse activity. The cure is simple and has broad
benefits: volunteering.
When my teaching career ended, I knew I had to
do something active or I would curl up in a ball and wither away. It is easy to
sit in front of the television and watch hours of mind-numbing reruns. It is
habit forming. Body muscles begin to shrink in a very short time and there goes
the brain too.
My first volunteer duty was tutoring at the
continuation high school. Then I realized, “Hey, I’ve done that already. What’s
new that I can do?” Through RSVP, (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) and
friends, I began to patrol with Crescent City Police Department’s VIPS
(Volunteers in Police Service) program. New people, new view of the community,
new uses of my skills and new skills. There was even the language of code to
learn. I looked forward to my time on duty. I enjoy living here and appreciate
the natural beauty so going to the Visitor’s Center at the Chamber of Commerce
was a good fit. I like talking to people and hearing about their travels. The
historical museum and Battery Point lighthouse are places we send the tourists
so it was the next place I took on as a volunteer. I am still learning the
stories about the early days and the changes in our county. The museum houses a
complete Native American display, baskets and ceremonial costumes. It is an
amazing collection and visitors’ rave about it. Another place for socializing
while helping a non-profit is the Senior Center. I am there once a week to
greet the diners and make sure they are comfortable. I like hearing their
stories too.
Our church has plenty of opportunities to
prevent loneliness. There are always ways to help out with housekeeping, office
work, committee membership, serving as reader or acolyte and studying the Bible
with a group.
We are all interested in candidates who want
public office. But after the election, do we follow through by attending
meetings to see how our officials are doing? I have been attending public
meetings and find them more interesting that I expected. The officials are handling
issues that affect us and our job after electing them is to see if they are
upholding their campaign promises and serving the public good. I’m learning
about laws and hurdles that they must face to get things done. I encourage us
all to check out public meetings. Hope to see you there.
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