Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 65

It’s a hot spell and I don’t enjoy it very much. Today I will go for an early walk, tend my little garden, and open the house to the cool morning air. Later there is a party at the senior center for welcoming Tari home from rehabilitation after her stroke, Jim, who delivers meals, birthday, and Peggy, the kitchen volunteer, going away to a new job. I like the connections and support we give each other. Good day coming.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 64

Strange event in the neighborhood yesterday with damage to Parmentier’s back fence and gate done by an injured animal. Unnerving. I didn’t hear anything but I know how dogs scream when they are trapped or hurt. Aside from that it was a good day. House would like to feel swept and dusted and I can do that with hours to spare while I look for something fun to do. Last nutrition class this evening. I have enjoyed the group.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 63

My energy feels stronger this morning. I was flat yesterday. I did contribute to my well-being by pushing the button on the dish washer. After an early walk, I’ll get ready for the senior center duty followed by a trip to buy garden soil to add to the containers. The chard, kale, and spinach all need a topping off after the rain has compressed the compost I used to get them started. I enjoy my little back deck gardens.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 62

I said I would help recruit new volunteers for the museum. The gallery, senior center, St. Vinnie’s, and others all have aging volunteers and no one is recruiting a younger group. Where are all the newly retired people? I found volunteering when my job was done and have felt that it is my second career. I have met so many wonderful people, used my skills in new ways, learned new skills, new languages, and had fun along the way.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 61

I connected by phone to two good friends, Margie on her birthday, and Gene, who is feeling imprisoned by his illness. That was the high spot of the day and I want to do it more often. Today I will be at the museum for a few hours. I like being there. The visitors are interesting and I like spending time with manager Karen. No one is allowed to be there alone. A sad necessary sign of the times.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 60

Today is bright so far. The rain yesterday was a dark wet cold one that brought me to the comfort zone for the PM. I insist on walking today and will pay the auto insurance bill on foot with the new orthotics in place. I’m restless and wandering around wanting something that I can’t yet name. Since I walk right by clutter without a thought, I’m guessing it isn’t housework. Is it interesting people? Or a new volunteer service?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 59

I did call and had my blood drawn by Charms, the wonderful phlebotomist at the office. The food as medicine process and the walking are doing a good job for my body. Today I will pick up my second set of orthotics. I have been lazy about changing shoes and not using them. They don’t help my posture if I don’t have them in my shoes. Senior center duty on Thursday means Boondock Band. It means a noisy duty.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 58

Today is domestic goddess day. I will wield my scepter over dust and dog hair and poof, a clean place to rule with grace and dignity. Also I will call Tonda and ask for a ferritin update. It’s been four months and I know the number will be way up from 39. Then another brisk walk, find something engaging to do, be, or have. I wonder if there are new toys to find. I am restless for personal progress.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 57

Yesterday the odometer in my car turned 56000 miles. It is memorable because the car is 16 years old. That’s very low mileage and speaks to the amount of walking I do plus the few trips I take. If I get to Eureka these days, it’s as a passenger. It’s a good car and I expect it to last as long as I need it. It’s wet out. I’m hoping for a pause long enough to get a walk.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 56

Nice dinner with the family. Megan and Butters stopped by on their way home to visit with Della and Minnie. Della was ready to play with Butters who is now the same size as her. Minnie was hesitant and mainly wanted Megan’s attention. This morning after a walk, the dogs go to the groomer while I go to the store for fresh food, do the laundry and get them in time to go to the senior center for duty.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day 55

It was fun. I enjoyed Hollie’s company. She was interested in volunteering. I kind of wish Sharon Jourdan had read the entire list of my volunteer history as it could inspire people to reach out to new placements. As soon as the ferritin score is over 100, I will look for a new job. Maybe back at the visitor’s center, maybe a new place. The food was passable, not memorable. Today after church I’m going to the family dinner.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day 54

The RSVP volunteer brunch is today. I don’t like attention and I’m getting it for my 20 years of service. Sharon Jourdan will read the list of placements and also the list of recognitions along the way. I’m pleased that Hollie agreed to go with me. There will not be a huge group and I’m glad for that. The casino will provide the food. It will be a hit with the group. Others will also have their years recognized. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day 53

Bright morning. I’m gong on another early walk. Not much going on today except routine stuff. Maybe get chard babies since I cleaned out the container. Last year’s chard bolted after providing fresh leaves all year long. May have lunch with Chris. May sweep and dust. May find something new and exciting to pursue. Or I may vegetate. I went through my celebrations journal and was inspired by the art work I used to do. Where is the muse?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 52

Senior center duty and an afternoon Giants game. That’s all my agenda. I may take an early walk. Getting out makes me feel better especially when I don’t want to and do it anyway.  Yesterday I worked outside and that was a good thing. The yard is waiting for a creative idea or two. And some weed pulling on the north side. I like it when it’s finally done. I need both exercise and some form of creative expression.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 51

I want another good day. Walking yesterday picked me up. It would have been much easier to sit and I didn’t. Today I will take the dogs on a walk, all the way to Renner’s to pay the fuel bill. All three of us will feel better. Both girls need to get their weight down, Della by two and Minnie by three. I still have a bunch to go and five is a good start. I like my haircut.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 50

 It was a good day. Didn’t last into the afternoon but Oh well, it was a good morning. Today I am full of pep as I often am in the morning. I will get my hair tamed a bit. Actually I like it wild and curly. I like the way it feels when walking and in the wind. It is easier to handle with a few clips from Jana’s scissors. Kathy liked the column. She admitted to having tears.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 49

Quiet day after the Palm Sunday service. I was kind of droopy and out of go power. Please, I want a good day! After senior center duty today I will get the column written. It’s in my mind. I just need to write it. Mothers and music makes an interesting combination to write about. I hope to walk, pull weeds, enjoy the beautiful day, and express my gratitude for my life as it is. I have plenty of goodies.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 48

Church today. I will read a small part in the passion play. I don’t want to and couldn’t say no to Pat. Anytime I do anything it opens the door to more expectations. I only want to come to the service. I enjoyed the visitors at the museum yesterday. In a couple of weeks the regular schedule will open. I get to work with Rick again. Time with him is precious as he is showing signs of slowing down.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 47

My visual acuity has improved since the check up four months ago. I know that the nutritious foods I am eating are improving all parts of my body. I did spend a little time out in the gorgeous day cleaning under the Meyer lemon tree. The new Santa Teresa seems happy and the peas are climbing. I do love spring and all the new light. The lilac tree is offering its aroma to the day. Museum duty this morning.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 46

Yes, distractions occurred. Della was upset and tried everything she could think of to get on the table. She figured out that she could lick my nose through the face hole and then she settled down. Today I woke up with another headache. I wish I knew how to prevent them. I see Dr. E. this morning for a pressure check and hope to feel well enough to get groceries before I stay in for the day. Not OK.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 45

More of the yard looks cared for. I do enjoy working in the dirt. The peas are already climbing up the net. Today after senior center duty, Karen will come here for our massage appointment. I’m not sure if that will be comfortable since I like to go to a massage room but I had mentioned that I don’t like the room she is currently using. Lots of distractions here like dogs, traffic sounds, and possible phone calls etc.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 44

I cleaned out the rose garden and the water feature yesterday in the warm sun. Ended up with pink cheeks and feeling well. I filled one black bag with weeds and ramps. The peas are looking up and I adjusted the net for them to climb. I can get the new lemon tree in the ground today. It is called St. Teresa who is my favorite saint. She taught her sisters to journal and dance barefoot on the grass.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 43

Following Carol’s prompt I wrote a dream scenario. It didn’t happen as scripted. In the dream I was the word police reframing sentences into positive statements and adding yet to negative statements. I’m guessing it was a message to me about making sure my thoughts are positive. I do slip now and then and wonder why I am working hard to get well when I’m old and going to die anyway. Maybe I don’t have time to get well.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 42

I’m up and feeling OK again. Today after senior center duty I get to go to Carol’s with Chris for our J street journal group. I haven’t written anything to share or found anything to read. So, I will appreciate what the others bring. I would be happy if we just had a social hour since they are women I enjoy. I did step-ups with weights and marching to get back into PT exercises. I want to create well-being.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 41

The tired from Friday caused a jammies-wouldn’t-come-off Saturday. Old movies and that’s all. Today my eye feels normal, the headache is just a reminder, and my energy is rising. I’m still dithering about church. If the discomfort outweighs the experience, I will do the right thing and exit, hopefully, gracefully.  The check from Summit arrived. Tomorrow it goes to the bank for a few days and then off to the new account. I like the simplicity of two accounts.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 40

Yesterday was hard. Started with the headache followed by another IRS inquiry that sent me on a paper chase. I did find the letters that I needed and sorted the rest. They are now bound and put in storage. Jeff said he would take care of it. The dogs and I walked the long block. Minnie slowed down coming up Cooper street hill. Those two inch legs have to work hard to keep up. Too tired for Art Walk.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 39

Another headache. Good old imitrex to the rescue. I may feel dull but the stab is gone. I wish I knew how to prevent them from happening in the first place. Long ago Judy told me I could drive myself crazy trying to find a cause and still wouldn’t. Too many variables. Today I will dust and sweep and fill my refrigerator with fresh food. Hope for a walk and energy for the yard. I want a good day.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 38

I did get a brief walk yesterday, just long enough to finish the last four paper deliveries. It was a beautiful day and I wished I had felt better and had worked at pulling weeds. The rain and warm temperatures have brought lush growth of weeds. Today I plan to enjoy the senior center duty, be part of it, connect with people, and come home with a positive memory of the experience. My mood elevation is up to me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 37

Yesterday’s good mood lasted until 11 am. Then it was over. I’m back to feeling limp, whiny, achy, and blah blah blah.  I did compose the second haiku for April. I know they get better as the month goes along and I get a groove. Soon I will be creating haiku while waiting at red lights and standing in line at the market. It’s a soothing mind quieting kind of pattern. It might improve my mood. I need it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 36

Something shifted yesterday. Maybe a barrier that I had against enjoying what I have. Susanne’s coming adventures made me aware of my routine and I made it wrong to be in a rut. Then I had fun at the center, enjoyed my dogs and my home, laughed a lot, suddenly in love with my life again. Meaningful conversations with people I enjoy resonate and that’s very good. Today I’ll go out in the storm to distribute the senior news.

Senior News column
I have been on my knees digging in the dirt in front of my south facing fence making a bed for pea seeds. The net is in place for them to climb so now they need sun, water, weeding, and patience.
Meanwhile, I took a mini-survey of friends here and afar, neighbors, and total strangers. My questions: Why should older people take an interest in politics? Which elections impact us more, local, state, or federal? What would you like your elected people to do for you?
“Just because we are seniors doesn’t mean we don’t know what’s going on. I’ll support you but you had better not lie to me.” This was said to a candidate in an open house discussion. We need to attend forums, debates, read, and discuss the issues with our friends and neighbors.
One friend enjoys newsletters and e-mails from her senator. It keeps her informed about how he votes on issues. She is against the death penalty and for the rights of the disabled. Her senator feels the same way. The federal officials are in charge of medicare, social security, health care reform and those are vital areas of interest to us. One responded, “Tell the federal government to stop being the policeman to the world and look inside our country and its needs like the homeless population and cost of health care”. One said, “Take away the tobacco subsidies and put the money in the food stamp program. Fix immigration rules and get on with other issues.”
The Sheriff position is the moral conscience of the community. They support self-responsible behavior and take care of those who don’t follow the approved rules. It is an important office whose standards must be high. The District Attorney’s office must be even-handed and sensitive to any lack of fairness. They hold the scales of Justice and hold people responsible for breaking the law. The punishments must fit the crimes. In our community the local races seem to get the most attention. Maybe we feel the state and federal governments are too distant to feel our needs.
By the time I’m picking the peas, the elections will be over.  As I take care of their growth, I will take care of being a well-informed voter and I urge us all the take responsibility for knowing what’s going on and who we trust to follow through on their promises and work for us and our well-being.