Friday, October 31, 2014

Day 249

It’s Halloween, with an A. I must get over loudly correcting people who think it’s a hollow ween. And gonna is here to stay. Oh well, I guess I still love English when it is spoken well. Not a good month for health progress. Too many short activity days and lack of energy. I have things I want to do without push to get them done. Mind wants stimulation and new opportunities and right now I can’t follow through. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 248

Two deep conversations yesterday. Chris and I talked about the mismatch in our perception of last Monday’s brief remarks as I left with the men to write and sign the complaint. I flinched from her tone and know now that both of us were showing our fear of the lawless neighbor. Barbara and I had an hour of heart-to-heart conversations. She is one of the blessings that come from volunteering. She is my play and dream friend and editor.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 247

I will admit that most of the meeting was tedious or was that my headache that made it seem so. Of course, I learned a lot of new info and that keeps me going back. Julia came to visit and brought her humor and energy with her. Nice friendly break. The Giants game was so bad that I went to bed at 8 and slept well. Woke up with no headache. Today I’ll get a long walk between showers.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 246

The garbage was removed from across the street. So were the people, in handcuffs. I wonder what was found besides the seven month accumulation of trash. I feel satisfied that I did the right thing by signing the complaint. The neighbors did nothing but gossip and complain. Today is board of supervisors meeting. I will thank Jay for guiding me through the maze of departments. The senior center was given an $11000 anonymous donation to keep the doors open.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 245

I want another day like yesterday. I felt connected to Spirit in church, felt physically well, walked twice, and the giants won. Today I will walk before senior center duty and take the dogs for a walk when I come home. It’s the one day this week with a dry forecast. I am ready to move forward in the direction of wellness and participation. I need a new volunteer placement. Some place where I interact with people, not paper.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 244

Seven hours without electricity provided the perfect opportunity for the above activity. Except for the first hour of pacing and feeling free fall, the day went by with writing and deep thoughts. I sat on the porch to write since the light was better there. The heavy rain and wind provided an interesting landscape. At times the J street river actually flowed uphill from the gusty winds. Thankfully I did get warm food, warm house, and the Giants game.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

day 243

I did get out yesterday and today is doubtful. I don’t mind the rain but the high wind is more than I feel like dealing with today. In fact, I don’t feel like dealing with anything outside today. The agenda is looking inside the house and myself and see what is really there without overlooking the corners and behind the doors. I have questions about how I’m living my life and what I need to do to change course.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 242

Need something new today. Hoping there is a break in the rain that will allow a walk. I did get a brief walk yesterday and I miss the long block. It’s the best thing I can do for my bones besides kale. Haven’t written in the paper journal for a week and I need to put down the events around the neighborhood problem and how I’m feeling about the whole experience. I’m unsettled about parts of it. Get busy.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 241

Woke up feeling well. It was a wet and windy night. All I have on the agenda is senior center duty. Yesterday I made a pork, pesto, pasta with onion, garlic, celery, and cabbage. It was soo good that I ate the whole thing. I fix delicious and nutritious meals. There is cayenne pepper around the foundation and in the garden shed. Here’s hoping it deters the rat problem until the source is cleaned up. I want self-responsible neighbors.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 240

 I am weary today. Not much restful sleep. Even though I am comfortable with the above episode, it would be stronger with solidarity. Today I may go around and ask the others to sign complaints also. There have been issues ever since Tyler moved in beginning with the “car lot”, the dog in the street, the chickens, the horse, the stockade fence, the garbage, and the rats. Karen’s massage was healing. Hot stones and reiki helped restore my balance.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 239

The antidote for feeling helpless is action. Yesterday I pushed through the maze of county departments and signed the complaint against the neighbor both for the garbage and the stockade fence. Everyone in the neighborhood complained and gossiped but no one would step up because of fear of retaliation from the guy. His irresponsible behavior needs to feel the weight of law. I have made it clear that if anything untoward goes on, look there first. I stood up.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 238

Not the supervisor, the county administrative officer. Jeanene gave me a special phone number. Today we will get some relief from the neighborhood problem. The Adventist class was good, as usual. They provide samples of all the recipes in the booklet and I tasted every one. It was breakfast class and I already eat a good breakfast. It’s fun to see alternatives and I like hot cereal for dinner too. The idea is to fill it with nutritious extras.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day 237

Hollie gave me a pep talk about not stressing over things that I can’t fix. I do what I can and other things, like the neighbors garbage, are not controllable. I’m sorry that Rachel is upset by the rats. I’m sure Fort Knox has rats. Anyway, if nothing happens tomorrow, I will contact the supervisor. That is something I can do. Today after church I’m going to a vegan breakfast class at the Adventist church. I enjoy their classes. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 236

The first hour yesterday was good. From then on it went downhill fast. Headache, vertigo, frustration that nothing has been done about the garbage across the street, more reports of rats in the neighborhood, then True North didn’t show up at the senior center or call or in any way explain their absence. I did get a good hair cut and had the rest of the wonderful chicken soup. Oh well. There are days like that. Today is new.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 235

Today I will go back to the senior center as a True North representative. We will be registering anyone who isn’t already a voter. I want the seniors to see the True North people and hope for interaction and questions. Never know how they will act. Seniors will be seniors. Later I will get my hair trimmed. At this length it tends to grow out instead of down and looks bushy. First a walk and breakfast. Life is good.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 234

Megan and Butters visited yesterday. The dogs were the focus of our attention. Della wanted to go home with Butters. Guess I need another dog. We had lunch and talked. Very pleasant. Today is senior center duty after a walk and a quick once over in the house. I intend to do the five minute housekeeping routine. It works by looking back before leaving a room. Seeing the vee of geese forming yesterday was a treat for the soul.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 233

Had the new kid feeling at the True North meeting yesterday. Reverted to child behavior and sat on the edge of the group and watched. They had a mutual public service experience and were debriefing. I liked the interaction and the infectious optimism. It was noisy with good noise, laughing and calling to each other. I met new people and like the intentions of the group. I’m looking forward to finding my place and adding to the positive energy. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 232

Start with a $17.35 organic chicken. Put it whole in the slow cooker with garlic, lemon and ginger. Smell the aroma for four hours or so. Add potatoes, carrots, onions, and any other fresh vegetables.  Pluck out delicious portions and enjoy. Later, take out the chicken and reduce it to bones, pick out the edibles for the dogs, and save the meat for other meals. The juices make remarkable soup. In my opinion, the best part of the chicken.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 231

I want another good day. Yesterday was full and I enjoyed every minute of it. I know I’m restoring my body when I can do more, enjoy the people, activities, and connections. Today, after a walk, I will pull weeds along the fence line. The vines from next door choke my plants. Rain is forecast for tomorrow so I want to get yard cleaning done today. Chicken soup is on the menu complete with produce from the farmers’ market.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 230

The Giants won the first game of the play-offs and could go all the way. I’m superstitious about saying it out loud. Butters survived poisoning and Megan survived also. It’s awful when our animals are sick. Megan was comforted by a stranger who knew the fear that she was feeling. Hugs may not cure anything but they sure make a human connection like nothing else will. Today after church, I will go to the voter registration project. Busy day.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 229

I enjoyed the one-to-one with Grecia and learned a lot about how True North works. I want to participate and will go tomorrow to help with voter registration. I like new experiences that are about service as it is one of my basic values. Service and new people, new uses of my time and skills, and the good feeling at the end of a productive day. Today I’m after carrots and potatoes at the farmers’ market. Only two left.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 228

Ready for a real day with new ideas, new contacts, new energy. I will meet Grecia and learn about True North and all its projects. I know I will fit in somewhere. I look forward to meeting new people and having new duties. Megan is excited about starting at HSU next semester. It is time for her to get serious about her future. I’ll start the day with a walk. I did make 10K steps including the dog walk.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 227

Ready to connect with True North and the voter registration project. I will meet Grecia tomorrow and see how I can fit into the group. Yesterday I had an invitation to get back into a police uniform with the citizen patrol. New places and reupping old ones are coming my way. Now my body needs to get busy and make it possible to participate. Feeling good this morning. Did get out for a walk with the dogs. New day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 226

Oh well, so yesterday didn’t get started. Not well. Today will be better and I can get to yesterday’s agenda. Days are so long when I don’t feel well. Endless. And then it’s bedtime again and I can pray for a good sleep and waking up well. It is longer between down times. I missed my massage with Sarah who makes me feel better. She has magic fingers as does Karen. Both women are on my list of healers.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 225

Getting the voter registration underway. Other than that bit of progress, it was another low energy afternoon. I want my morning intentions to last all day. I’m missing out on activities I would like to participate in. And I know I am improving. Just impatient to have a full life after so many years of low health. Today, a good walk and writing. Want to finish the column for senior news and submit it. I like to be early.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 224

Yesterday was flat. I have such good energy for the first few hours and am ready to spend a productive day and wham, all gone. I did have phone conversations but didn’t do what I wanted to do. Today has started slow with a headache. The imitrex is kicking in and I’ll get my shoes on soon. At the senior center, I will contact with the director regarding voter registration. Pat will contact the high school for registering seniors.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 223

Even in the heat yesterday I did get past the 10K steps mark by moving more inside. It’s not exactly exercise but it’s not sitting either. I got out early to walk and also to the farmers’ market. It’s hot again today and my walk will be as soon as the sun comes up. I do have plans for walking in the afternoon with the dogs. Today my agenda is church and connecting with people by phone or e-mail.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 222

The fitbit is showing me activity patterns that I already know and have prompted me to make a change in my daily routine. Mornings are great. Anything that is going to get done, gets done early: housework, walking for exercise, writing, planning, and working on how I live my life. What I want to change is the long hours of nothing that begin at noon. I need to find a way to keep active longer. I can do it.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 221

Again today I will get out early. I kept the house cool yesterday. I don’t enjoy heat. No agenda except work on the next column for senior news. I have the bud of an idea on the theme, creativity. The challenge is saying enough in 400 words. Barbara used to cut me slack and I could go over. Kathy, not so much. I had conversations yesterday at senior center duty that showed me that I make a difference there.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 220

Spending time with Chris and Carol is always a blessing. Carol is gearing up for her stay in Seattle and we will stay in touch while she is undergoing treatment. It was a warm day and today will be warmer. The early walk will start the day. It’s senior center duty. I like Thursdays as Boon Dock Band is there and it’s a mellower crowd for lunch. Will get to the  county clerk’s office for more voter registration forms.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 219

October already. Time flies and all those other old sayings. This morning I’ll back up the computer, catch up in my journal, and finish distributing downtown senior news. At 1 I will meet with Chris and Carol. Carol is leaving for Seattle the for health treatments that she has been waiting for. We want to spend time together and wish her well. It will be a warm day and I’ll do my walk early. I’m enjoying the early mornings.