Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 279

The turkey carcass went into the stockpot and I have plenty to freeze and use now. Soup is the best part of the turkey. Hollie took home the left-overs and Chuck cleaned out the attic in the little house where there was evidence of a rodent. All clean now as are the blankets etc. that are stored there. We made plans for updating the back porch and a future kitchen remodel. It’s such a cozy comfortable space for guests.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 278

The day after the day after T-Day. I snacked on left-overs all day yesterday. Today I’ll dismantle the turkey and work on broth and soup. But first I’ll get a long walk and distribute few senior news along the way. I had fun cleaning out cupboards and drawers and moving items to more convenient places. It is interesting how I noticed things differently after Hollie and Megan used the kitchen. I’m tall and I put some things too high.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Day 277

It was a very good day for our family beginning with the preparations and the whole day of snacks, laughs, and feeling close. Della messed up by sneaking the lettuce wraps and sneaking out of the yard. Everyone else joined in with the work and play. Chuck and Megan took care of the mouse holes in the little house and plans were made to repair the back deck. Altogether a satisfying and delicious day. Meg’s pie was a masterpiece. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Day 276

The goodies are waiting for action. The turkey is the right size for enjoyment and a minimum of leftovers, lots of stuffing, potatoes, vegetables, and the assorted go-withs that we have to have by tradition. Megan and Hollie will come over about 11 to begin the process so I have time to walk first. It’s cloudy but no rain yet. Thanksgiving is our favorite family day and we do it up well. I will enjoy every crumb and laugh.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 275

Yesterday kind of fizzled out. The meeting was brief and uneventful. Dr. E.’s office called and changed the appointment till next week, the afternoon activities didn’t happen as I had an energy slump followed by a migraine. This morning Hollie and Megan and I will do the thanksgiving dinner shopping together. That will be fun. I want an early walk before we go. Rain is lined up and will start its parade tonight. I want shoes for wet walks.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day 274

Rioting is happening and I don’t understand how looting and burning makes a difference. I’m glad I don’t understand. Today is Board of Supervisors meeting. I am finding the meetings interesting and informative. I’m ready to write another letter of support for the businesslike behavior of four of them. I’m also tired of the triplicate’s negative op-ed page. Then Dr. E. will dilate my eyes and check the retina. I want another stable report. I’ll start with a walk.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Day 273

I type the day and think how fast time goes by. We did visit yesterday: the new Big 5 store, crowded with lookers, wild rivers market, grocery outlet, and safeway. Came home with a couple of bags filled with necessities. The fun shopping with be Wednesday morning with Megan as we plan for Thanksgiving dinner. It’s the only holiday we celebrate and we do it well. Birthdays get family attention too and we leave all the Hallmark holidays alone. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Day 272

Tidied up a bit yesterday. The oven was needy and I want it to be fresh for the turkey next week. It’s important to me to have my house neat and clean when people arrive. What happens after that is OK. We can clutter up and leave crumbs. I will get out this morning for another long walk. I love starting the morning on my feet. Makes the whole day go better. After church maybe Hollie will visit us.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

day 271

The meatloaf was giant and will last past delicious sandwiches. I’ll freeze a bunch to use in sauces. Three meats and five vegetables went into it. The rain and wind kept me inside and today looks like I can get out for a walk between showers. I miss walking. I like knowing that I am strengthening my bones with every step. The fitbit is motivating too. I like seeing a number over 5K by the end of the day. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Day 270

Awakened at 4 AM by flashing lights. Today rain is forecast again and I’m planning to get an early walk anyway. Shopping will follow and a day inside with no agenda. There are places that call for attention that I may ignore such as that dark corner cupboard in the kitchen. Might be a good idea as next week we’ll be fixing T-day dinner and easy access to pots and pans is important. Today I’ll make a vegetable meatloaf.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 269

It was a pleasant event. Jackie was waiting for us and we saw all the amenities at the hotel before going to the Abalone Grill for lunch. Jackie ordered a Klamath Sunrise for me and it knocked my socks off! We each had a different dish: Hollie had an oyster poor boy, Megan had a salmon sandwich, I had a bacon hamburger, and Jackie had egg rolls. All the dishes were delicious. The décor is beautiful with Yurok themes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 268

Today is a new experience. Hollie and I are going to Klamath to meet Jackie and have a tour of the new hotel/casino and have lunch at the Abalone Grill. Jackie is a gaming commissioner. Megan is planning to drive up to have lunch with her mom while Jackie and I catch up with our news. Hollie wants to check out the games. Rain is forecast so I asked Hollie to drive. I don’t see well on darkish days. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 267

A satisfying day has conversations, hugs, plans, and variety. Today will have those ingredients. Starting with a walk, breakfast of kale, avocado, humus on whole wheat pita, tea with Carol, lots of hugs here, then Sarah Caron is coming on her lunch hour to visit and catch up, followed by a massage with Karen Rath. Ahh, lovely plan. Yesterday Grecia and I discussed what leadership means. I’m not sure I want the responsibility. More when I learn the expectations.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 266

Dog groomer, water orchids, laundry, walk, senior center duty, meet with Grecia about True North, and that takes until 2 PM. Good thing I feel well in the first half of the day. Two long conversations yesterday with Megan and Kelle. Megan is working her way into an authentic life. It has taken time to sort out the Shane episode. It takes work to see the experience and her part in it. Kelle is moving toward a neater life.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day 265

By 3 PM yesterday I was able to make soup and wander around picking things up and putting them back down. The day felt a week long. I did watch reruns of Blue Bloods. Tom Selleck lumbers and frowns his way through fixing situations and people. I enjoy the four generation scenes. Today will start with a good long walk. Church is my only activity. I have a busy week coming up and I want to enjoy every minute.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Day 264

Woke up sick at 3 AM. After coffee and imitrex I am modestly improved. The chair with two warm bodies on my lap and my fuzzy blanket are all I want right now. Yesterday I made plans for next week. I’ll meet with Grecia on Monday after senior center duty. Wednesday Hollie and I will go to Klamath to meet Jackie, tour of the new hotel-casino and have lunch in the abalone grill. I’m pleased to connect with Jackie. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Day 263

Yesterday I found out about blight court. I want to see the outcome of the neighborhood issue, the garbage and the overtall fence. I’m hoping the court has the power to make a permanent change in the neighbor’s behavior regarding accumulating trash. What I would really like to see is a moving van over there. People who want to live without regard to others would be happier out in the woods somewhere. Meanwhile, I’ll keep my own lifestyle appropriate.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day 262

Another night of house hunting. I want to go back to look at a house to count the rooms. I want lots of rooms. Yesterday was the best one in a long time. Long walk, two stores for necessities, conversations. Today is senior center duty and hoping for connections. The Domestic Goddess was at work yesterday and the house is clean and neat so I’ll have to do something this afternoon. Maybe play with the new zentangle patterns.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 261

I did go out yesterday morning but it did not resemble exercise, more a short stroll. I want more! What can I do? Tonda says be patient and I’m short on that too. Today I’ll push and see what happens. Good phone conversations happened. I like contacts, exchanges of greetings, news, and information. I’ll hear from Grecia about True North’s next project. Maybe I’ll have a place there. I need stimulating activity. Too much time alone is not good.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Day 260

Last night I dreamed of houses and wanting to move. My nights are busy with change scenarios but the days are routine. I hope for more go-power today as I was too flat yesterday to even go for a walk. It’s very discouraging to put on my coat, walk down the front steps, then turn around and go back inside. Some days I simply don’t have anything to work with. I did drain the hot-tub and water the orchids.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 259

Pondered the reverse nature of three nights of dreams. I am overlooking a need for newness in the form of a project or connection. I’ll stay open to signals. I seem to notice negative sorting more than attending to the positive. I know what I don’t want to do/be/have strongly and tend to tiptoe about possibilities. Yesterday I met the new True North organizer. She wants me to come to the brainstorming meeting. There might be a place there.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Day 258


Third night with “full moon” dreams. The first one: I have a baby and don’t know how to take care of it. I ask everyone what to feed her. I am dazed by the responsibility. Second: I want to get pregnant and am looking for a partner. A dream of seeking a new life. The third one: I find a partner and want to start a baby and he leaves. What am I looking for? I like my life.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day 257

Energy lasted until 12 noon but the morning was wonderful and I start at 5 AM. Walking alone and with the dogs, shopping, conversations along the way, meeting, greeting, hugs. Can’t beat it. I did get 10 K+ steps and the intense steps were below where I want them to be. I can’t walk fast until my breathing deepens. Having a visible goal is motivating. I will repeat the positive attitude today and enjoy the day as it is.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 256

The moon is spectacular. I stood outside and stared even though it was 42 degrees. I’m so happy that the clouds parted and there it was. Tonda told me to have patience. She reminded me how long I had been slip sliding away and, at my age, it does take longer. I am doing all the things my body needs to restore itself and that takes time. I need to celebrate the days when my energy lasts past noon!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 255

My candidate, Eric, is the new sheriff. I prefer to pay attention to local politics. At least I can understand what’s going on here. Not so much in the wider scene. Today is senior center lunch duty where I get to add compliments and comments to our diners in hopes of making their day brighter. It’s my job there. Later, Tonda wants to see me. It’s been ten months since I’ve been to the doctor. We communicate well together.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Day 254

I wrote the December Senior News column yesterday about surviving the holidays. Since I have a habit of doing whatever it is that I suggest, I’m looking forward to having wooden-wick candles to crackle and light up the early dark. I stay out of stores until after Christmas except to dash for groceries. Just can’t tolerate the hype, crowds, noise, and the frantic energy that drives some people. Our family tradition has always been low key and without stress.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day 253

Yesterday went with no flashes of insight into my restless mood. Kelle called to suggest we find a creative project together while she is here. Maybe we will drive to Bandon and poke through their shops for an idea. I had a conversation about blight court and that the neighbors would probably be on the agenda. Not sure I want to be there and I want to know the outcome of the complaint. May a bright light shine today.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 252

Monday again. I want something new today, a new person, new activity, new interest in an old activity, something! I’m feeling stuck. Not domestic activity. A stimulating conversation would help. New ideas, new project. I’m waving my antennae at the Universe. My job is to stay conscious and open to opportunities that fly by. And they have to match my physical energy which is a sometime thing. This restlessness usually means I’m getting healthier. Maybe I will write goals.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 251

Yesterday’s early energy disappeared and I did get the cobwebs vacuumed from the porches. The day was spurts of doing followed by sitting. The walk was short and slow but I was outside walking. Today is All Saints Day at church. I’ll find a photo of Wendell to add since it was he who took me to St. Paul’s in the first place. No other agenda. I could write goals for November. That feels like a waste of time.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 250

Yesterday was the best one in the whole month! Had the senior news distributed by noon and puttered, long talk with Eileen, dug potatoes, pulled a few weeds. All good. Today is the last farmers’ market and I will miss the socializing and the fresh produce. The Russian red kale was my favorite this season. Makes a delicious salad with lemon and garlic. I’ll start the month with a brisk walk. The moon and stars tell the 44 degrees.

Senior News
Cultivate imagination, day dream. Buy a pack of crayons or colored pencils and doodle on a pad of paper. It’s fun to make random patterns or learn to zentangle. Sitting in front of the TV could be a time for exploring lines and spaces. Cut out magazine pictures and make a collage. That’s fun too. All it takes is scissors and paste. Find a time for silence.
Remember fantasies from childhood. Did you want to grow up to be and artist or a poet? It’s never too late to get started. Find a class that piques your interest. Be open to what’s going on in the community. Like to swim? Join a group and remember how much fun it is to be in the water. It’s good for socializing while exercising.
Eat new foods. Find new recipes. Share with friends. They probably have a favorite that they want to share with you. Better yet, share a meal. The produce workers will tell you about uses for vegetables that may not be familiar. Take a close look at the shelves on aisles you may not regularly see. There are choices that can spice up your cooking. Be bold.
Associate with creative people and brain storm ideas for projects individually or as a group. Visit art galleries and museums to see what makes you curious. Research is a creative process. Once I took art lessons at a gallery with children. It was a great way to learn the different art media and the kids didn’t mind that I was a bit older than they were.
Take a risk and find a new volunteer placement. Use your skills and talents in new ways with new people. Find out what’s available that suits your time and talents. Look some place that is completely different from anything you have already done. That’s the way to expand your experience of your community. Most non-profits depend on volunteers to provide their services. They are looking for you.
Exercise. Walking can be creative. Walk on different streets, take a camera, notice  seasonal changes. Get familiar with new neighborhoods. Invite a friend to walk with you. Find a walking group. Yoga will start you where you are. Yoga promotes a flexible mind in a flexible body. There are exercise classes at most senior centers that are free and fun while getting fit.

As long as we are alive, we are creative.