I came home from church to find a telephone message from Marlene
that Gene died Saturday evening. He wheeled in the hallway calling “Babushka”
and died. His last year has been full of horrible misery and so his death is release.
I have so many memories of him that are full of his generosity, wisdom, sharing
his fish and garden with me. Seems like every conversation gave me insight into
what it means to be a good human being.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Day 125
Gorgeous morning. I will get out in a minute and enjoy the
day. Walk first, then church. I’m already thinking about next month’s column
for senior news, brain health. Good subject. Meanwhile, a quick sweep and
dusting. The grocery store is on the agenda as I decided to stay home
yesterday. Chris brought coconut ice cream from SeaWest. What a friend! I sure
picked a wonderful neighbor. I could pull weeds as the rain softened the soil.
Or not.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Day 124
The lunch at Sea West was delicious. Chris, Julia, and me.
Donita wasn’t well. I will do that again. Not ready to entertain here but that
will come next. Tonda called to check on me. It was an unexpected lift for my
Spirit. I felt cared for and reported that I had the best week that I could
remember. I know that the plateau is over and I’m making progress again. Today
is farmers’ market, grocery shopping, and walking.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Day 123
Yesterday went well. Had meaningful conversations and that
seems to be the reason for staying. Not too many irritants. I like listening and
acknowledging. Makes people feel heard and seen. Today I’m taking Julia and
Donita to SeaWest for Thai food. I’m hoping Chris will come too. It’s the first
occasion that I have planned and will do after months of wanting to begin a
social life. The rain is refreshing and the grass is growing. Life is good.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Day 122
Still wet. I’m happy with the rain. The shrubs and trees
needed a good soaking. The frog pond was in danger of overflowing so I cut a
hole near the rim so the water could get out but not the tadpoles. I want to
grow frogs and listen to them. Lots of interesting conversation at the museum.
I like being there. Today is senior center duty. I will listen to my thoughts
and monitor my feelings. Stay or go.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Day 121
It’s moist outside. I hope it pours for a few hours. The lawn
is blonde and the shrubs could use a drink. The Board of Sups meeting was more
interesting than I expected. I will go again to learn the language and see the
dynamics. I did ask for a crosswalk. I
had two walks yesterday, signed for the new homeowners insurance, bought
cheese, and stopped for Chinese on the way home. Today is museum duty. No other
errands today.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Day 120
Two walks yesterday, one solo, one with dogs. Accomplished
changing home-owners insurance and paying bills. Today I’m going to the Board
of Supervisor’s meeting with Karen. I will ask for a crosswalk at Cooper and J
Streets. I want to see Gitlin at work. I don’t like bullies. I don’t like
people who say they are Christians and have to tell you because they don’t act it.
I started the collage. Part of the fun
is watching it grow.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Day 119
Day 119
Yesterday the headache won. Spent the day dozing and
watching old movies. It’s OK to have an occasional down day. I missed church
and walking. Today is starting well and I want it to last. My journal is open
and waiting. I have a few pieces to arrange in a collage. It may turn out mixed-media with crayons and pens. I do get a lot from creating collage. It’s a
metaphor for getting the pieces together in my head.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Day 118
On yesterday’s walk I met a neighbor who wants change in the
area regarding a house that is used by squatters. I offered to write a letter
to the building department and will do so this morning. After church I have no
agenda other than getting outside for a walk and seeing the pollywogs dart
around. I’m content with a slow quiet day. I am beginning to want more agendaless
days. The need for busyness is losing its demand.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Day 117
14 hours and 47 minutes of daylight! The Solstice brings the
longest day. This week the sun came in the kitchen window. It’s the only time
that the Sun is that far north. After watering the orchids, walking to farmers’
market, and getting errands finished, I will take the dogs for another walk.
Karen is bringing more tadpoles for the frog pond. Some of them disappeared for
an unknown reason. I’m looking forward to seeing the wigglers sprout legs.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Day 116
Yesterday at the senior center was OK. Enjoyed reconnecting
with Robert. There are a few people I look forward to seeing. The volunteer
count is way down and I will NOT be guilted into coming an additional day. One
is enough for now. There seems to be a management problem. Today will begin
with a long dog walk, shopping and errands. I’ll read on with cultivating
creativity and see where it leads. There is more color in the journal.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Day 115
Senior center today. I no longer cringe when I think of
going. Guess I have finally worn out the stress. I’ll get an early walk.
Already have the crock pot full of beans seasoned with ginger and garlic. Good
eating for a couple of days plus some for the freezer. The cultivating
creativity book suggests collage to stir the Spark. Time to sit with old Oprah
magazines and pull out pages that are interesting. The restlessness is about
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Day 114
Museum today. I like going there. It’s a friendly and
relaxed atmosphere. I’ll get a walk before the dratted wind comes up. It was a
freight train yesterday blowing the blooms right off the roses. I prefer fog to
this incessant wind. I’m up for something new today, new and interesting. I
need stimulation and engagement and I’m not yet providing that for myself.
Guess I’m waiting for outside help. I am ready. Send me a teacher or guide.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Day 113
No agenda today except for another long brisk walk and maybe
some attention to housework. Or not. I want to plan for social activities. I think
about inviting people and then don’t follow through. Friends seem to be more
important than solitude lately. That must be a sign of health and well-being. The
restlessness is about wanting to talk and laugh and exchange stories with old
friends and making new ones. I am journal writing again and adding color.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Day 112
Minnie and Della visit the dog wash this morning. They come
home all fluffy. They will climb under the deck and come out smelling like
dirt. I’ll get another long walk, pull a few weeds, and water the container
garden. Sarah will put her hands on me and help my slow recovery.
Yesterday in church I asked for a prayer of gratitude for the two men who
protected me from the dog. I’m almost ready for the community dinner.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Day 111
The column is done. Two walks yesterday. The farmers’ market
was a busy place. I brought home curly kale and bok choy to add to my ground
turkey dish. I eat well but too often. Today I want to walk before church and
find something to do this afternoon besides sit in front of the TV. I will
watch the Giants game. Hopefully they will do better than the last two games. I
need more than I am creating.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Day 110
I have to move more today. I’ve had three days of flat
energy and that’s three too many. Pushing myself works sometimes. Other times I
push myself out the door, turn around and come back in. I look forward to the
farmers’ market. It usually turns out to be a social activity and I like that.
Then dig into the writing. My idea has had time to gel. Now I need to watch the
words appear on the monitor.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Day 109
We went to La Fiesta for dinner. The visit was fun and lots
of laughing and dog watching. Butters tried to get the aunties to play but they
don’t know how. Today is grocery shopping for fruit. The vegetable shopping will
happen tomorrow at the farmers’ market. I need to get hopping on July.s column. I’ve had ideas float in and out and I think I know where I’m going with
it. I never know until I start writing.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Day 108
It’s the 60th anniversary of my first marriage.
What did I know? College student, devoted daughter, commuter for a long trip
before freeways. I had the first divorce in the family and the first college
degree. Does that balance out? Today is senior center duty followed by a visit
with Megan and Butters. We may have dinner together after a dog get-together.
The Aunties will have a sniffing good time. I love their visits any time they
can come.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Day 107
Museum duty this morning. I look forward to this time. The
people are interesting and it’s a non-stress environment. One day a visitor
asked why we put so much emphasis on the tsunamis that have caused damage here.
I said, “When you have a dragon in your neighborhood, it’s wise to include it
in your plans.” It’s true that we talk
about the 1964 event that led to rebuilding and establishing the park. The 2011
event changed the harbor.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Day 106
Didn’t connect with parks and recreation yesterday. Will try
again today. The wind has made walking a chore. It has gone on and on, night
and day. I’m sure that’s why my head aches and my eyes are not happy. J street
journals was a wonderful event. We three can share deeply and with comfort. It’s
rare indeed to have such trusted friends. Chris played Hallelujah for us from
her I-pad. I want a CD with Cohen or Wainright.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Day 105
List for Wally’s this morning. Much as I dislike shopping
there, the only alternative is driving to Brookings. I wish Target would locate
here. There are plenty of empty stores. Later, J Street Journals at Chris’
house. I enjoy our monthly get-togethers. Chris and Carol are special women. I
need to get busy on July’s column for Senior News. I have ideas that need
research for the theme, Homebase. Local summer events are plentiful such as
softball and disk-golf.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Day 104
Had an encounter with a large dog on my way home from
farmers’ market. It growled and barked at me. I called two homeless men on
bikes for help. One of them moved the dog back down the street and the other
walked me home. The dog was Donna Westphal’s from down the street. I gave them
half my loaf of bread from the market. I had whistle and pepper spray but didn’t
feel strong enough to use them.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Day 103
Yesterday was fun. Had lunch with Julia and we took a ride
afterwards to the harbor and along the ocean. There are huge yachts waiting out
the wind. The extravagance is incredible. Today Hollie and I will meet at the
farmers’ market. I’m looking forward to bringing home a bag full of fresh vegs.
The market seems to be a social event too. I’m feeling words coming on for the
paper journal. I will add a bit of doodling.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Day 102
I found a welcome back gift on my desk at the senior center.
It was a nice gesture. The day went OK and I did get tired. I can do one day a
week. I had two walks, one with dogs. Been pondering the lyrics to Leonard
Cohen’s Hallelujah. It was suggested by Rob’s horoscope. It is a long song with
ups and downs in mood exactly like life itself. I’ll share it at J street
journals on Monday.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Day 101
I’m going back to the senior center after a month away. I
will decide if I want to keep going or not. I realize that stress sets my
progress back and I’m dedicated to forward progress. Yesterday I introduced
pollywogs to their new pond. I want them to thrive here. I enjoy hearing frogs
singing. Karen gave me a wonderful massage and I walked home without any aches.
I’ll get a walk in before I dress for volunteer duty.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Day 100
I went to Rite-Aid to find the liquid iron that Denise uses
and there it was, Geritol. I laughed out loud thinking of Lawrence Welk and his
champagne bubble a-one-and-a two music. I’m now at the age of people that liked
his program. Thankfully I’m a bit more modern. Museum duty today. I look
forward to going there. There is no stress and the people are interesting. And
it’s the first farmers’ market downtown. Hollie and I may go.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Day 99
The Minnie alarm clock went off before 5 this morning. She
has a way of making snuggling impossible. I had a few minutes to enjoy that
wonderful time between awakening and dreaming. I had Maya Angelou’s words on my
mind: “I am human. Therefore nothing human is foreign to me.” So, humans are
all capable of being Hitler or Mother Teresa. That sure takes care of judgments.
I will recall that when the homeless parade goes by my home.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Day 98
Jon is making a labyrinth for Chris. It is an ambitious
project and his plan is solid. They might make a frog pond too. Frogs are the environment
equivalent of canaries in mines. Frogs are the green line and need to be
supported. I have a blow-up pool and it won’t work. Today I will get a hard
sided pool and put it under the rhody tree. Had an early catch-up call with
Kelle. Way to start the day.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Day 97
New month, new haircut, new attitude, new ideas for moving
forward. I’m going to make a frog pond in the backyard. I miss hearing them so
I’ll hope to make frogs happy here. The early bird songs are the best alarm
clock I can think of. When the Minnie alarm goes off about 5 am, I can listen
for the soft waking up bird songs. Today, after church, I have a plan to get
busy with a creative project.
Senior news column
Senior news column
June Fathers

My father had two passions: salmon fishing and growing flowers. He was very good at both pursuits. When I was a little girl I wanted to go fishing with him out on Humboldt Bay in his small boat but unfortunately as soon as the waves would move us up and down I was sea sick after about half an hour and he had to bring me back to the beach. I gave up trying after a couple of trips. The salmon steaks were welcome at the dining room table and I was sorry that I couldn’t have been there when he brought them in. I did better with the gardening. I have wonderful memories of following him around while he talked about the plants and instructed me on which were weeds that I could pull out and which were not to be touched. My father had a giant green thumb with fuchsias and begonias. He knew where they would be happy and how to feed and care for them. They seemed to bloom bigger and longer than any other peoples’ plants. Once I asked him his secret and he said he tipped his cigar ashes into the containers. Maybe that was the secret ingredient.
Years later on a visit to Crescent City, my father asked me to show him my garden. Outside were rows of carrots, cabbages, potatoes, chard, onions and a wall of peas. “Where are the flowers?”, he asked. I gave him the cold hard economic facts of being a single parent with three teen-agers. “You can’t eat flowers.” He went to the pea patch and happily munched on the fresh pods. Later, thanks to one of my sons, we had fresh fish, not salmon, for dinner along with the produce from the backyard. I know my father was disappointed that I didn’t have any of the plants that thrive here like the ones he grew so well in Eureka.
Now I have the time and place for growing flowers. Once when I was watering the fuchsias, I swear I smelled cigar smoke. All I know for sure it that the plants were happy and more prolific than ever before. Along with flowers, I still have vegetables: peas, chard, green onions, spinach, and kale are growing in my garden. There is room in my garden for both flowers to nourish my soul and vegetables to nourish my body.
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